Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Preparing your business to grow

The vital element in preparing your business to grow is to make a practice of developing documented and well organised systems. If you use the same documents continually, turn them into templates to use regularly. Make the effort to write vital documents like policy or privacy statements, and save a copy on your personal computer drive and a released copy in a book. One of the very best methods to formalize and organize your business is to get a big three ring binder, buy some page protectors, and start creating a company book. Keep a copy of your business and selling plan there also.

As you develop the business, keep a Word document convenient on your desktop called Standard Operating techniques. Each time you find yourself doing something repeated, or routine, pop open the document and note down some notes about what it is and how you probably did it. This agreement guarantees the catalogue will be the only one carrying your product for the length of the exclusive. Naturally an exclusive with one company locks you out of the remainder of the market. Half a year is lots of time for an exclusive.